Bill Gates is an incredibly powerful statesman, able topersonally sway the course of human endeavors simply through sheer financialsupport. But far more important than that, is his ability to focus the attention (andefforts) of the world on the core issues of our most profound challenges. Unencumberedby political pressures, Bill can look ahead at the state of the world anddetermine the best course of action, not the most popular or convenient. Inorder to effect public discourse—that of statesmen, scientists, voters,philanthropists, and such—he needs to have his own vehicle to for directcontact to his constituents. A place where he can house and disseminateinformation he thinks is most important. This is the purpose of The Gates Notes. Inspired by Bill’s prolific note taking habits and hisincredible outpouring of writings an conversations, the Gates Notes is the world’sbehind the scenes look at global matters. It's mission is to incite intellectual action. Relatively un-polished, often off thecuff, always personal and humanizing, never preachy or too heady, the GatesNotes gives you the info you can’t find searching the web. It goes behind thefacts, finds the books you never heard of connects you to people a places thatplay a surprising role in the fate of the world. You'll leave the site smarter, better informed, and hopefully motivated to dig deeper, and get involved.